Counseling Office
Our school counseling program is an important part of education. We focus on students' academic, career, and social/emotional development. The school counselor is here to support and prioritize each student.
Trust is the foundation of the student/counselor relationship. Any information shared by the student will be kept confidential, except in these situations:
- If there is a clear and present danger to the student or others.
- If the student agrees to share the information.
- If the information is required by a court of law.
Counseling Resources
Valley Southwoods students are automatically included in a Canvas course with more information about Naviance, social-emotional learning, mental health resources, and guidance for course registration at Valley High School.
Xello Career Information System
Xello is a tool that helps students explore career interests, whether that's continuing their education after graduation, military enlistment, or finding a fulltime job in the workforce.
Schedule Change Request Form
The deadline to ADD a class for second semester is 2 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 15 (day 3 of second semester). This form will then remain active through Monday, Jan. 27 (day 10 of second semester), which is the last day to drop a second semester class with no penalty (if you have enough classes to do so).
Southwoods Counselors
Valley Southwoods Counseling Department has two full-time school counselors. The students are assigned to a counselor based on the first letters of the student’s last name.
Tess Young
Counselor A-K
TJ Cox
Counselor L-Z